What is immunity and type of immunity

What is Immunity?

The potential of the body which prevents the development of the disease in the body is known as Immunity.


Types of Immunity :

There are two types of acquired immunity.
  1. Active Immunity
  2. Passive Immunity

 Active Immunity

The antibodies which are generated by the body itself which helps to fight with foreign bacteria or viruses are known as active Immunity.

 Passive Immunity

Passive Immunity means vaccination or microbes which are injected in our bodies to fight with the diseases and are known as passive Immunity.

There are two types of acquired Passive Immunity.
  1. Natural Passive Immunity
  2. Artificial Passive Immunity

Natural passive immunity

At the time of pregnancy, the antibodies of the mother are transfers to her child which helps her child to protect with diseases. The child needs mother antibodies because of active immunity is not developed yet in it.

Artificial Passive Immunity

These antibodies are developed in another person or animal and then injected into another person. It is an immediate, but short-term vaccination provided by the injection of antibodies, not produced by the recipient's cells.

Difference between active and passive

From where the antibodies come in our body is the main difference between active Immunity and Passive Immunity. Inactive Immunity cells of our body recognize unknown cells and develop its antibodies to combat them, but in passive Immunity, antibodies are injected in our bodies to fight with unknown cells.

Development of immunity in our body

1. Antisera: It is in a liquid form that is used to combat viruses present in the patient body. It is of different types for different diseases. It is developed by giving small antigen to our body daily by doing so antibodies are developed to combat the viruses. We collect blood along with serum which is antisera of a given antigen. Antisera are used for the treatment of diseases like rabies and food poisoning.

2. Interferons: when our body cells are attacked by unknown viruses many of them form interferons which help in inactivate the virus. It is used for the treatment of influenza and hepatitis diseases.

3. Vaccination: it is a process in which antibodies are injected in our body which helps to combat the viruses or bacteria.

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